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Volume 44


Issue #4 2/19/25
The Reno Brothers
The Reno Brothers “Staged the First Train Robbery in America”, Tascosa’s Big Fight “4 Killed & 2 Wounded in Gun Battle, The Rough Riders, Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, and more…

Issue #3 2/5/25
Sheriff Pat Garrett
Sheriff Pat Garrett “The Man Who Shot Billy the Kid”, The Clements: Big and Little, The Battle of Glorieta Pass, Jim Harver Arizona-Web of Time, and more…

Issue #2 1/22/25
The Pig War
The Pig War “England and the U.S. Nearly Go To War in 1859”, The Kolb Brothers Grand Canyon Pioneers, In Their Own Words “Grizzly Adams Aids His Companion”, Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, Arizona’s Governors “Alexander Brodie”, 150 Years Ago in the Old West, Custer Court-Marshaled, Dodge City, Kansas “A Wicked Little Town”, “Shane” -Iconic 1953 Film, The Silver King Mine, and more…

Issue #1 1/8/25
Joaquin Murrietta
Joaquin Murrietta “California Outlaw Owes Fame to a Dime Novel”, In Their own Words “Scalping Commanche Warriors”, Death Valley’s Shorty Borden, Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, U.S. Attacks Cheyenne Village in Retaliation for Little Big Horn, Murder in Bonita City, 150 Years Ago in the Old West, and more…

Volume 43


Issue #10 12/11/24
The Minnesota Uprising
In Their Own Words “Mark Twain: Roughing It, The Oregon Trail, Jim Harvey Arizona- Web of Time, Territorial Road Trip “Poston’s Butte” 150 Years Ago in the Old West, Blazer’s Mill Shootout, and more…

Issue #9 11/27/24
Chief of Scouts Al Sieber
Chief of Scouts Al Sieber, In Their Own Words “A Young Boy’s First Buffalo Hunt, Rail Tourists Rode the Apache Trail, Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, Gunman Loses His Job Turns to Outlawry With Disastrous Results, Arrizon’s Governors Benjamin J. Franklin, Women Homesteaders, and more…

Issue #8 11/13/24
William Quantrill
William Quantrill Led Brutal Confederate Guerrilla Group, In Their Own Words “Custer on Wild Bill”, Jim Roberts Arizona Lawman, Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, and more…

Issue #7 10/30/24
Henry Plummer
Henry Plummer “The Sheriff Gets Lynched”, In Their Own Words “The Battle Scene of the Fetterman Massacre”, Four Dead in Five Seconds, Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, Crazy Horse Legendary War Chief, $13 Dollars a Month, Some Old West Facts, Fort Abraham Lincoln, and more…

Issue #6 10/16/24
The Buffalo Soldiers
The Buffalo Soldiers, Scandalous Seductress Lola Montez, Wyoming First to Give Women Vote, Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, and more…

Issue #5 10/02/24
Francis X. Aubry
Francis X. Aubry “The Skimmer of the Plains”, In Their Own Words “A New Kind of Trousers”, A Secret bakery, Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, Baja 400, and more…

Issue #4 09/18/24
Tom Horn
Tom Horn Hired Gun, In Their Own Words “Teddy Roosevelt Endures Winter in the West”, “Buckskin” Frank Leslie, Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, Outlaw Dentistry, 150 Years Ago in the Old West, and more…

Issue #3 09/04/24
Annie Oakley Sharp Shooter Known as Little Miss Sure Shot
Annie Oakley Sharp Shooter Known as “Little Miss Sure Shot”, In Their Own Words “An Encounter With Train Robbers”, William Henry Jackson, Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, and more…

Issue #2 08/07/24
Thomas Heck Legendary Lawman
Thomas Heck Legendary Lawman, In Their Own Words “Desert Mirages”. Buffalo Bill Gets His First Scalp, Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, Mail Order Catalogs, and more…

Issue #1 06/12/24
Battle of Picacho Pass
Battle of Picacho Pass “Westernmost Battle of the Civil War”, In Their Own Words “Hand-to-Hand Combat Against an Apache Warrior”, Californians Endured Floods and Drought, 2Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, and more…

Volume 42


Issue #12 06/12/24
Johnny Ringo
Johnny Ringo Ill-Tempered Gunslinger’s death a Mystery, In Their Own Words “A Dakota Homesteader”, Gen. Cook Subdues the Fierce Apaches, Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, Shootout at Rock Creek, Colt’s Revolver, and more…

Issue #11 05/29/24
The Donner Party
Cattle Annie & Little Britches, In Their Own Words “Kit Carson Can’t Save Mrs. White”, Virginia City, MT “Historic Mining Town”, Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, and more…

Issue #9 05/01/24
The Donner Party
The Donner Party. In Their Own Words “Sitting Bull Dies”, The Phoenix Indian School, Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, Thief Steals Gold From Mint in Hollow Leg, 150 Years Ago in the Old West, Mason County War, Custer Betrayed at the Little Big Horn? Billy the Kid’s Vanishing Tombstone, The Great Recon, Coronado’s Expedition in the 1540, and more…

Issue #8 04/17/24
The Massacre at wounded Knee
Davy Crockett “Frontier Hero Died at the Alamo”, In Their Own Words “A Buffalo Hunters Earnings”, Arizona’s Fort Huachuca, Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, The Search for the Seven Cities of Cibola, 150 years Ago in the Old West, Arizona’s Governors “Louis Cameron Hughes”, Grenville Dodge, Colorado’s Great Railroad War, Robert Ford Shot and Killed Jesse James, Bodie, California Wild west Ghost Town, and more…

Issue #6 03/20/24
The Massacre at wounded Knee
The Massacre at wounded Knee, John Clum “Published Tombstone Epitaph”, The Mexican War, Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, The Ill-fated Panfilo Narvaez Expedition 1527-1536, 150 years Ago in the Old West, Arizona’s Governors “Nathan Oakes Murphy”, NASCAR Highlights, The Tres Pinos Massacre, San Tan Regional Park, The Ashley-Henry Expedition, and more…

Issue #5 03/06/24
Cherokee Bill The Terror of Indian Country
The Pony Express “Enduring Legend of the American West”, In Their Own Words “Disobeying Orders leads to Massacre”, Outlaw Jack Slade, Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, The Conquest of the Incas, Arizona’s Governors John Irwin, 150 years ago in the Old West, Etta Place, and more…

Issue #4 02/21/24
Cherokee Bill The Terror of Indian Country
Cherokee Bill “The Terror of Indian Country”, In Their own Words “Bringing a Herd Into Dodge City”, Frontier Jails, Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, The Conquest of Mexico, Western Author Max Brand, The Mormon handcart Pioneers, and more…

Issue #3 02/07/24
The Whitman Massacre
The Whitman Massacre, In Their Own words “Captured by an Arapaho War Party”, Grand Canyon National Monument, Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, Caldwell, Kansas “Tough Town on the Fabled Chisholm trail”, 150 Years Ago in the Old West, William Boyd ”Actor played Cowboy Hero Hopalong Cassidy”, The Conquistadores, Carry Nation, and more…

Issue #2 01/24/24
Allan Pinkerton
Allan Pinkerton “Founder of the Famed Detective Agency”, In Their Own Words “The Ill-fated raid on Northfield, Minnesota, Gold Discovered at Sutter’s Mill, Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, Territorial Road Trip to Tucson’s Fort Lowell, 150 Years Ago in the Old West, and more…

Issue #1 01/10/24
Butch Cassidy A True legend of the Wild West
Butch Cassidy “A True legend of the Wild West”, In Their Own Words “On the Oregon Trail, The United States Geological Survey, Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, The End of Arkansaw Joe, Arizona’s Governors “Lewis Wolfley”, 150 Years Ago in the Old West, and more…

Volume 41


Issue #11 11/29/23
Harry Tracy
Harry Tracy “One of the Last Wild West Outlaws”, In Their Own Words “On the Hunt With Buffalo Bill Cody”. Dudes in the West, Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, Beasts of Burden, “Wild Bill” Longley, and more…

Issue #9 11/29/23
Black Jack Ketchum
“Black Jack Ketchum”, In Their Own Words “Mark Twain Rides West on a Stagecoach, Shootout at Round Rock, Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, Arizona’s Governors “Conrad Zulick”, The Outlaw Jim Reed, The Telegraph, The Bland-Allison Act “Reaffirmed the Silver Dollar as Legal Tender”, and more…

Issue #8 11/15/23
Sheriff William Brady
Sheriff William Brady “Assassinated by Lincoln County Regulators”, In Their Own Words “A Witness to Vigilante Justice”, Sing Cowboy Gene Autry, Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, Camp Reno and the Battle of Big Dry Wash, William Brady, 150 Years Ago in the Old West, Frederick Tritle, and more…

Issue #6 10/18/23
Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, In Their Own Words “An Encounter With the Apaches, Coal Mining in the West., Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, Territorial road trip to Yuma territorial prison, Battle of the Rosebud, Arizona’s Governors “Anson P.K. Safford”, 150 Years Ago in the Old West, Doniphan’s Thousand Takes El Paso, and more…

Issue #5 10/04/23
Stephen Watts Kearny
Stephen Watts Kearny Important Military Figure in the West, In Their own Words “Riding an Emigrant Train, Stage driver kept a Secret, Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, Frederic Remington American Artist portrayed Life in the West, Charley Parkhurst, 150 Years Ago in the Old West Joshua Norton Emperor of the United States, Indians and Horses, Chuck wagon, and more…

Issue #4 09/20/23
George Armstrong Custer
George Armstrong Custer, The Arizona Rangers, The Rock Springs Massacre, Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, In Their Own Words “California Gold Rush”, Arizona Governors “Richard C. McCormick, Wagon Trains, 150 Years Ago in the Old West, and more…

Issue #3 09/06/23
Bear River
“Bear River” Tom Smith, Arizona Pioneer William J. Flake, Tombstone’s Bird cage Theatre, Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, Geronimo “Fierce Apache Leader”, Territorial Road Trip to “Poston’s Butte”, 150 years Ago in the Old West, Calamity Jane’s Crazy Horse Race, Daniel Webster Wallace, John Noble Goodwin, The Denver Flood of 1864, and more…

Issue #2 08/09/23
Bill Tilghman One of the Legendary Three Guardsmen
Bill Tilghman “One of the Legendary Three Guardsmen”, In Their Own Words “Buffalo Bill Entertains the Grand Duke”, Western Author Zane Grey, Jim Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, The Captivity of the Oatman Girls, 150 years Ago in the Old West, African-American “Exoduster’s” Head to Kansas, Windmills, Zane Grey, and more…

Issue #1 07/12/23
General Phillip Henry Sheridan
General Phillip Henry Sheridan “Civil War Hero and Ruthless Indian Fighter”, In Their Own Words “The Wild Bunch Robs the Train at Wilcox, The Buffalo Nickel, Ji, Harvey Arizona-Web of Time, Reed Family Survives Donner party Ordeal, 150 Years Ago in the Old West, Owen Wister’s “The Virginian”, Minnie Hill “Steamboat Captain”, The Battle of Ingalls, and more…

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